Tag Archives: organic deals

Stonyfield yogurts for $.28

6 Jul

In addition to keeping kosher, which can add about 30+% to the average food budget, I also do my best to buy organic when I can fit it into the budget. But since organics can add another 30-50% to the budget, it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. I focus on buying organic for the produce on the Dirty Dozen list, plus dairy and eggs if I can swing it.

This week, I was super excited to score a great deal on Stonyfield organic yogurts from Whole Foods. I was there picking up Earth Balance margarine (THE best pareve margarine in the world, but *not* budget friendly… still looking for a great coupon source on that one) and noticed that Stonyfield’s 6-oz. cups were on sale 2/$1. Did you know that Whole Foods offers a 10% discount if you buy a case of any item? On most products, a case = 12.

Now one key principle in saving money on your food budget is to combine sales with other offers with coupons. So, the cup of yogurt, which was normally priced at $1, was on sale for $.50. And then by buying 12 of them, I got it for $.45/cup. But it gets better! Because I had two coupons for $1 off 5 cups (which Stonyfield had sent me earlier in the week — stay tuned for details on how to get coupons in the mail for your favorite products), I ended up paying just over $.28 per cup. This is less than half what you’d pay at Costco and about a quarter of the regular Whole Foods price!

Want to do the same deal? You can! Head on over to Whole Foods, pick up a case of your favorite 6-oz cups and be sure to hand over four of the $.50/3 coupons you can print today from the Stonyfield website. You will need two computers to get all four coupons, as the site has a two-print maximum. The coupons expire 10 days after printing, so don’t wait too long to do this deal!
